Friday, June 25, 2010

Shrimp - Blue Shrimp

Blue Shrimp

Blue Shrimp, Neocaridina Heteropoda var Blue, are the same species as Red Cherries. As such, they are nearly as prolific. Mine in particular are very blue and breed true.


Shrimp - Wild Bumblebee Shrimp

Bumblebee Shrimp

Wild type shrimp from which the crystal reds were developed.


Shrimp - Golden Crystal Shrimp

Golden Crystal Shrimp


Shrimp - Orange Eye Blue Tiger Shrimp

Orange Eye Blue Tiger Shrimp

Mix of blondes, blue, and dark blue.


Shrimp - A Grade Crystal Black Shrimp

Crystal Black Shrimp

A Grade CBS.


Shrimp - S+/SS Grade Crystal Red Shrimp

Crystal Red Shrimp

S+/SS Grade CRS. Hino, no entry, tiger tooth.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guppy - Albino Full Red

Albino Full Red Guppies

The males of this variety become completely red in the body with long tails as they mature.



Guppy - Black Moscow

Black Moscow Guppies

Males get a beautiful long tail and females get absolutely huge.

Young Male


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Shrimp - Sakura Red Shrimp

Sakura Red Shrimp

Sakura Red Shrimp, Neocaridina Heteropoda var Red, is a more solid red morph originating from Cherry Red Shrimp. I would consider them the next level up from Cherry Reds, but behind Fire Reds in red intensity. Males look pretty much the same as normal Cherry Reds. Females however, turn brighter and more solid red as they grow older.

Adult Females


Juvie Shrimp

Shrimp - Yellow Shrimp

Yellow Shrimp

Yellow Shrimp, Neocaridina Heteropoda var Yellow, were selectively bred from the Wild type just like Cherry Reds. They are just as hardy and prolific as Cherries, and can be kept in the same conditions. These are one of my personal favorites as they stand out so well in the tank.

Yellow Shrimp

Shrimp - Neocaridina Wild Type

Neocaridina Wild Type Shrimp

These Neocaridina Heteropoda Wild type are pretty much the coloration that all the color morphs like Cherry, Yellow, Snowball originated from. The females are of a brown coloration and males a spotty brown color. Can be kept in the same conditions are Cherry Reds and are just as prolific.

Wild Type

Shrimp - Red Cherry Shrimp

Red Cherry Shrimp

Red Cherry Shrimp, Neocaridina Heteropoda var Red, is the most popular and common shrimp in the hobby today. They are extremely easy to take care of and very prolific. From these, there have been several higher grade red shrimp developed. I also keep the Sakura and the Fire Red lines of Cherry Shrimp. Look for posts and photos of these coming soon.

Red Cherry Shrimp